The Copper House , Stratford upon Avon

The planning for this house was always going to be challenging, situated at the rear of sixteenth century historic cottages on a gateway road into Shakespeare’s Stratford upon Avon.

The team at MRT Architects felt there was a potential housing plot on the land occupied by a single storey double garage. As the other buildings all around were modern, a contemporary approach was taken to blend into surrounding architecture and not compete with half-timbered brick listed cottages at the front of the land. The house has a brick base and at first floor a zinc clad storey which dramatically cantilevers over a car parking space. On the ground floor is a large open plan kitchen dining living room overlooking a garden with a staircase leading to 3 bedrooms and bathrooms and a feature balcony over the room below.

The developers have designed the interior with a flamboyant range of exciting urban luxurious materials creating a wonderful home in the centre of the famous town a few minutes’ walk away.

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